Picture of the day…

Who destroyed the Christmas decorations?  Hmmmmm...the black dog said it wasn't him... … [Read more...]

Picture of the day…

Rattlesnake Creek feeling the affects of the frigid temps we have been having this winter. Frozen but beautiful.  … [Read more...]

365 days of pictures day day 365…

I can't believe I actually did it. It has been quite the journey and it has been fun hearing from all of you who have followed me this past year! Fear not, I am still going to try and post a picture each day, but if I miss a day here or there so be it. I would love to hear what your favorite photo … [Read more...]

365 days of pictures day 364…

Cold and wintery in Western Montana, but man is it pretty out. Don't let the cold keep you inside! Bundle up and get out there! … [Read more...]

365 days of pictures day 363…

It is that time of year again that the Isaac Walton Inn starts to call my name. A road trip to the north for some cross country skiing might just be in order. I recommend staying in the old cabooses. Very cozy and way quieter than the old hotel. … [Read more...]